I met Nate when I was 15 a sophmore at Northridge High and he was a senior, I still remember the first time we hung and I was instantly hooked on him I had such strong feelings at such a young age and we began hanging out all the time, then we began dating...... Our first Date was to a "fake Beatles concert" Yes the impersonater beatles, It was so much fun and I was so excited to go he came to my door with a rose for me and my Dad stood there as I walked out the door..... Now as you know I was young and we ended up going different ways I was still needing to find myself and experience life and Nate had decided after Graduation he was going to serve a mission. I went down a path that was not the one I should have been on but in the end it made me stronger and where I need to be.
When he returned from his mission I was working at Cracker Barrel and going to the singles ward and just having a good time being single, I had just broke off an engagement and was in no hurry to jump into another relationship, Until the day Nate came in to my work to see me.... He had been dating quite a bit when he got home and had heard I was married so he never called me and then a few months later he kept getting a feeling to come by and see me and he was nervous for the fact that he still thought I might be married well he finally came by and I was thrilled and so was he that I was not married that is... LOL I ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug ever, and then I asked him out, Yep I didnt even hesitate or wait for him to do it.
And I dont think he would have because just that day he talked with his bishp and told him he was sick of dating girls and that he was done asking them out and he would not go on a date until a girl asked him out and it just so happens that was me....,
We went out on that date and we were unseperable from that point on, after a week he said I think I am going to marry you and I admit was a tad freaked out by this but in my heart I have always loved him since High school he was always on my mind and I never stopped thinking about him and I couldn't help wonder if this is why I never got married to this other guy because I had always known Nate was the one!
We got Married April 3rd 2001 and it was the best day ever, We had a very Rocky first year of marriage in fact I am surprised we made it through, I was the youngest and had no clue about bills or money, I was so used to getting everything or shopping whenever I wanted that when we bought a house a month into marriage and started getting bills I was in Shock.... I didn't even know you had pay for water.
This caused a lot of hard times for us but we made it through and at 11 months of marriage I got Prego with Twins, Yes another HUGE shock and another couple of years of the Happiest and Hardest times ever.... Now we are 10 years strong and 3 kids later and have been through more trials than I could have even imagined most of those Trails just the last 2 years but we are so in love with each other and Happy it is Disgusting ....... So here is to another 10 years with my best friend!!!!!! xoxoxo
7 months prego with the Twins....... Yes I was Huge!

9 months prego with Forde!

And here we are today :) One happy family!