The kids are doing great and having tons of fun especially with this great weather!
Kylan: Ky is such a great little girl I could not have asked for a better daughter she is so funny, Right now we are practicing her Princess part for her school play and she has been really in to collecting bugs lately (don't ask me why) She is doing great in school and loves to talk and be Social.... Oh and she starts SoftBall in May she does Soccer but this is her first year doing this so we will see how it goes.....
Lundyn: My little Lundy Loo is Amazing as you all know she is doing Great in school and she is learning so many things she knows all her letters when she sees them she can read words you write some at least and she can Sign all of her colors... Even though she cant speak she is one smart cookie and she knows it :-)
Forde: Well my baby boy is not so much my baby anymore he is going to be 2 next week and I can hardly believe it he is dang cute and funny,Oh and he has hit the terrible 2's a little early but all in all he is great and is all boy very rough and loves to be outside in dirt and play with his cars all Day!
Nate: My awesome Husband is doing wonderful as well his business is taking off to be a lot bigger than even I thought it would and he is such a great worker and with out him I would not be able to be a stay at home Mom so for that I am Grateful :) Oh and we just had our 9 Year anniversary.... Yay I cant believe it has been that long.... Still the best decision I ever made!
Me: I am also hanging in there helping out at the kids schools taking Forde out to play with friends and spending time with some friends and other Mommies... Trust me when you are a Mom and have kids you need that really you do, I am trying to figure out what I want to do I love being a Mom but there are other things I also want to do I really want to go back to school and I cant figure out what I want to do I really want to do Culinary School but the hours are to many its mon-fri and I cant swing it with Forde and if I do night classes than I am gone when the girls get home and I hate missing out on anything with my kiddo's..... Then I kinda want to go to Weber and just get started and maybe take a few classes here and there until Forde is in school and I know what I want to do I want to a Counselor I want to work with kids who have Drug and Alcohol addictions (this is something that is also very close to my heart since I am a recovering drug addict my self and lived in a rehab in Salt Lake city which is where I found myself and who I really am that place and those counselors saved my life well and my great family to which I could never repay, and for that reason I have this passion to do the same for others but am still so undecided about it because of how long it would take me to get there... and lets face I am not getting any younger :) So if any of you out thereare Mommies and have gone to school where did you go and how was it and any advice???
Ok ok I know you are all dying to see some pic's of my awesome fam so here goes:
St. Patricks Day!

Dont ask me why Forde likes me to wrap him up and let the girls hold him.... LOL kinda funny

MS walk.....
Ok and my kids in there Easter outfits and all that good stuff is not downloaded to my computer yet so I will post those soon :) Thanks all for checking out my post!
I love you and your cute family! Thanks for finally updating. I think you would be a wonderful counsler! I saw first hand how it changed your life. I say go for it even if it does take forever to do it will be worth it.
I understand the dilemma with school. I kind of want to go back to school too but I think I'll wait until my kids are all in school because I'm way too busy right now with four kids. Good luck! Sorry I don't have any advice about it. Your kids are adorable! We need to get together now that the weather is nice :)
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